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BoostX Track Rentals

*Next event: April 13th, 2024. 1pm-7pm @ WCDW*

All vehicles/spots will need to be registered and paid for by April 3rd **A few spots still available**. Contact the shop at 970-424-5889 or email:

BoostX rents our local dragstrip throughout the year and discounts the cost to our customers. All vehicles will need to pass NHRA tech and have proper NHRA safety equipment for the times the vehicle runs. Limited amount of spots per event. Current breakdown of costs are below:


Spent with BoostX in the previous calender year / Cost to enter

$0-$500/ $300 entry fee

$500-$1k/ $200 entry fee

$1k-$5k/ $125 entry fee

$5k-$10k/ $50 entry fee

$10k +/ No Cost


If you're wanting to do licensing passes on 1/4mile events, its an additional $50


All discounts are allotted to a single vehicle per customer. Additional vehicles will be charged at the ($0-$500) rate.


Sunday May 14th, 2023

Western Colorado Dragway

1/4mile, one lane prep/one lane not prepped. Solo passes only. This event will be from 2pm-6pm. Its a closed-gate event, so all vehicles will need to be paid for and registered prior. Please keep crew members to a minimum. We arent currently putting a limit on crew members, but may in the future if this allowance is abused. Drivers meeting will be at 2pm where rules/grouping will be assigned 

Saturday April 13th, 2024

Western Colorado Dragway

1/4mile, one lane prep/one lane not prepped. Solo passes only. This event will be from 1pm-7pm. Its a closed-gate event, so all vehicles will need to be paid for and registered by April 3rd. Please keep crew members to a minimum. We arent currently putting a limit on crew members, but may in the future if this allowance is abused. Drivers meeting will be at 1pm where rules/grouping will be assigned 

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PH: 970.424.5889


FB: BoostXMotorsports

IG: @BoostX_Motorsports

YT: BoostForBreakfast

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5:30pm

Saturday: By Appointment

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2481 Commerce Blvd, Unit A

Grand Junction, CO


© 2021 by BoostX Motorsports, llc.

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